Olivia’s First Checkup

November 1st, 2006

Today was Olivia’s first checkup with Dr. Mayberry. Gammie came over in the early afternoon to stay with Gabriella while Mama and daddy took Olivia’s to her appointment. Gammie got there early so that we could get ready and get Olivia ready. She made lunch for Gabriella and fed her.

We were finally ready to leave and started down the stairs. Gabriella stood at the top and cried for baby sister! She didn’t want us to leave. She loves Olivia so much. She is sweet to her and always wants to be with her. She it going to be a great big sister.

At the office, Olivia got weighed. She was 8lbs, 2oz. That’s a huge increase from not only her hospital leave weight, but even over her original birth weight. She’s already gained a pound and 2 oz since she left the hospital. Mama sure is taking good care of this little girl. Overall, Dr. Mayberry was really happy with everything she checked on. She said Olivia looked great!


October 31st, 2006

Nona came over in the early morning and helped us with the girls all day. Nona made corn chowder for dinner. Papa came over after work to have dinner with us and see the girls. Uncle Greg and Aunt Jacinda stopped by too. Gammie came by to see the girls too.

Once it got dark, Mama and daddy took Olivia’s big sister out to trick or treat in the neighborhood for a little while, while Nona and Papa stayed at the house with Olivia. Gabriella was done after only a few houses, so we came back home and had our dinner and watched so Halloween cartoons.

Olivia tries out Gabriella’s bed this afternoon:

Looking cute in her Halloween costume (or Halloween bib, really):

Getting some love from Uncle Greg:

Our First Four Member Family Outing

October 30th, 2006

Mama and daddy got brave today! Gabriella was feeling much better, so we decided to take the girls out to lunch. Gabriella was getting a little restless and tired of being inside and Mama was too. So we loaded up in the car and headed for Wendy’s. Olivia got lots of compliments as she slept in the car seat on top of the table. After lunch, Mama dropped off daddy and the girls at the house and actually got to go out by herself for an hour or two.

Daddy got Gabriella down for her nap and then held Olivia in his arms until Mama got home and was ready to feed her.

Tonight we had a great time carving pumpkins. Gabriella helped daddy pick the designs and clean the pumpkins and Mama and Olivia watched.

Two girls in the back seat:

Pumpkin 1:

Pumpkin 2:

The Free Hour

October 29th, 2006

Daylight Savings Time was a big blessing for us this morning. Mama and daddy both actually forgot about it. We woke up for Olivia’s middle of the night feeding at 3:30 this morning. Daddy went downstairs to get Mama and snack and something to drink while she was feeding Olivia and noticed that some of our clocks had automatically adjusted themselves. So Daddy set the clocks in the bedroom too. By the time Olivia finished feeding, Mama had a snack, and we got Olivia changed and back down to sleep, it was 3:30AM again. Too bad we don’t gain an extra hour every night…

We had a pretty mellow morning and afternoon. We actually caught up on some sleep after a really rough night last night. We really needed it. It was almost 11:00am by the time we were all four up. Daddy got breakfast on, while Mama took care of the girls.

This afternoon, Olivia got to meet her cousins Brian and Allison. Brian drove in from Norman just to see his new cousin. They brought a cute sweater for her too. They both took turns holding her. She was very content after just being fed, so she just nuzzled in and slept.

Tonight, Nona and Papa came over to see us. We got steaks from Jamil’s, watched a little TV, and took turns holding Olivia.

Olivia with Brian:

Olivia with Allison:

With Brian & Allison:

Olivia Puts Gammie To The Test

October 28th, 2006

Olivia’s sister Gabriella had a very rough night last night. She woke up extremely sick around 4:00AM and we stayed up most of the rest of the morning with her. Mama and daddy had to take her to the hospital, so Gammie came over to stay with Olivia.

Even though we had an appointment for Gabriella, the hour that we were supposed to be gone, quickly took HOURS. Gammie was at home with Olivia just praying that she didn’t wake up (literally!). Mama has been feeding her every 2-3 hours during the day, so after she reached the four hour mark, she finally let loose on Gammie.

Mama, daddy and Gabriella came home as quickly as possible and Mama fed the hungry little girl. Big sister was feeling much better after we got an extremely bland lunch into her little tummy. Gammie left not long after and we all four took a much needed nap.

Olivia’s Room Is Ready

October 27th, 2006

Today was more of the same. The final pieces of Gabriella’s new furniture came in today, so we were able to move the crib out of her room and get Olivia’s room set up. We took the queen bed out that had been there for the grandparents to sleep on during the delivery and first few days after. We got the crib set up and Olivia’s new crib set put in it. Papa’s outstanding paint job in both girls rooms and the bathroom really make both girls’ rooms look great.

Olivia got lots of love today, with visits and long, craddled in the arm sessions from Nona this afternoon, and Gammie and Aunt Stephie tonight. Aunt Stephie brought over with dinner again. She made enchilada casserole that was incredible. She also brough salad and dessert. Aunt Stephie held Olivia while we ate. Gammie played with Gabriella a little bit, but Gabriella was being very shy and acted very tired and whiney tonight. She’s definitely not herself.

Olivia: Sleep, Eat, Repeat

October 26th, 2006

Today, daddy took Gabriella out to run errands, so Mama and Olivia could have some peace and quiet and hopefully get some good rest in. Nona came over in the early afternoon. After daddy and Gabriella got home, Nona put her down for her nap, while Mama and daddy took care of Olivia.

Mama gave Olivia another sink bath today. She seems to really like the water. At least she wasn’t crying much…

Aunt Becky stopped by to drop off a present, but she couldn’t come in, because she, Uncle David and Annie have all been sick lately. She waved at the girls from the porch.

One of daddy and Gabriella’s errands today was to get a swing for Olivia. Aunt Denna bought the swing for her, but there was a part that was broken. We got a new one while we were out and daddy got it put together. Mama put Olivia in it tonight and it really kept her content. I have a feeling the swing is going to get some good usage. Thanks Aunt Denna!

After work, Papa came over and we ordered pizza from Hideaway. Papa held Olivia for a long time tonight. While we ate, we watched part of the World Series. Olivia and Gabriella helped Papa root on the Cardinals. Nona and Papa left around nine. We got Gabriella down for the evening and Olivia down for a couple of hours before her next feeding.

Kisses from Gabriella:

Stretching out on Mama and daddy’s bed:

Sink bath:

Deep concentration:

Loving the swing:

Aunt Denna Meets Olivia

October 25th, 2006

The twins (Nona and Aunt Denna) took Gabriella out for an adventure on the town this morning. They were gone until it was time for her nap, so Mama, daddy and Olivia got some relaxation time around the house today. After they got back, Aunt Denna came over to see Olivia. Of course she came bearing gifts, as well. Olivia snuggled in and relaxed in Aunt Denna’s arms.

This evening Mama was playing with Olivia and was tickling her little neck meat. It was really cute, because she could actually get her to smile. She looks so angelic in her Mama’s arms.

Olivia with Aunt Denna:

In Nona’s arms:

Smiling for Mama:

Coney Comes Over For A Visit

October 24th, 2006

Today was another big day. We woke up early and Mama got Gabriella and herself something to eat, then fed Olivia. Gammie came over a little while later. She played with Gabriella and then held Olivia. Nona came over this morning also.

Around noon, the delivery truck arrived with part of Gabriella’s new bedroom furniture. Gabriella is getting all new furniture, including a big girl bed and giving her crib to her baby sister Olivia.

After lunch, Chris, Michelle and Connor (Coney) came over to see Olivia and Gabriella. Gabriella and Coney played with Gabriella’s toys while Michelle and Chris took turns holding little Olivia.

Gammie holding little Olivia:

Nona, Gammie, Gabriella and Olivia on the stairs
(Max & Annie too!):

Mama and Michelle with Olivia:

Olivia with the Dickasons; Chris, Michelle and Coney:

Olivia Takes A Walk With Gabriella

October 23rd, 2006

Mama and daddy got up early again with Olivia. Mama got her changed and fed. Gabriella slept in pretty late this morning. When she finally woke up, daddy took her downstairs and got her morning routine underway. Mama & Olivia came downstairs not long after. The girls all three sat in the living room while Mama and Gabriella had their breakfast.

Nona came over a little later in the morning. She and Mama gave Olivia her first sink bath, since she was going out on the town. Olivia’s first appointment with Dr. Mayberry was this afternoon. Nona stayed at the house with Gabriella while Mama and daddy took Olivia to Dr. Mayberry’s Office.

Gabriella already loves her sister Olivia so much. When Mama and daddy left to take Olivia to the doctor, Gabriella stood at the top of the stairs and cried, “Baby sister! Baby sister!” It was so cute. She didn’t want Olivia to leave.

Olivia’s first appointment with Dr. Mayberry was a good one. We got to the room and got her undressed and then it was off to the scales. She weighted in at 7lbs, 5.5oz. That’s already 5.5 oz since we left the hospital. Dr. Mayberry said she looked great.

After we got back, we grabbed Gabriella and we all four took a walk around the neighborhood. We stopped to take some pictures in the park area down the street. Olivia was chillin in her car seat, while Gabriella ran around and got her energy out.

After work, Aunt Jenny stopped by to meet Olivia. Later in the evening, Papa came over after work, and Aunt Stephie dropped by with homemade chicken enchiladas! Yum Yum!

Sink Bath!

Scrubber One – Mama:

Scrubber Two – Nona:

Gabriella poses with Mama and baby sister, right before we leave:

On the scale at Dr. Mayberry’s Office. 7lbs, 5.5oz:

A pose with Mama:

and a kiss from Mama:

A pose with daddy:

and a kiss from daddy:

Two beauties:

Peeking over the blanket in the car seat after the doctor visit:

Playing in the park area with Mama and Gabriella:

With daddy:

Aunt Jenny finally meets Olivia:

Aunt Stephie gets some Olivia love:

Our First Day Home Together

October 22nd, 2006

Nona and Papa spent the night last night and they got up early to take care of Gabriella, while Mama and daddy stayed in their bedroom looking after Olivia. After we got her changed and awake, Mama gave her a good feeding.

Nona made a HUGE breakfast while Papa watched Gabriella. After breakfast was ready, Papa fed Gabriella and they delivered breakfast in bed to us in our room. We had enough food for 20 people. It was delicious.

We spent most of the day just lounging around the house, enjoying Olivia. Gammie and Daddy Cool came over later in the evening brought dinner for all of us. Everyone took turns holding Olivia. Big sister Gabriella had lots of visiters to keep her company today too.

After Gabriella’s bath, she came in and got on the bed with her Mama and daddy and baby sister. We just layed around for a little bit, all three of us just looking in amazement at the beauty of Olivia.

Olivia with Gammie:

Snuggled up and snoozing:

With Daddy Cool:

With Mama and Gabriella:

Let’s Go Home!

October 21st, 2006

After a pretty good night at the hospital, we woke up and daddy went and got some breakfast and coffee from the cafeteria in the basement. We relaxed in the room and enjoyed Olivia. We knew that once we got to the house later today, it would be pretty hectic for a while.

We started packing up some of our things in the late morning. Gammie came up to the hospital with lunch a around 1:00. Daddy left the girls at the hospital with Gammie and went home to get the baby car seat out of the storage, since we forgot it, in the mad rush to the hospital.

It didn’t take long to get it down and set up in the car. Then it was back to the hospital. Nona came with daddy to help get us home. After a painfully long and tedious checkout process, we were on our way.

Gabriella was very excited and waiting for us in the entry as soon as we walked in the door. We put Olivia down and Gabriella mobbed her with kisses. It was adorable. Daddy Cool & Papa were at the house waiting on us too. Nona and Gammie had spent the last two days cleaning and getting everything ready for us to come home, so the house looked immaculate. Too bad it was only a matter of minutes before we started unloading our bags and messing everything up again.

The grandparents all stayed and helped us get settled in. We had some dinner, talked and enjoyed Olivia and got settled in for our first night at home.

Cutting off the bracelets during the nursery checkout:

We all three wave goodbye to St. Francis:

Olivia with Mama and daddy. Ready to go home:

With Nona and Gammie:

Gretting from Gabriella:

Gabriella is SO EXCITED!

Posing with Daddy Cool:

Our First Full Day

October 20th, 2006

Today was our first full day with little Olivia. When she was born, she really didn’t want to cry very much, even with the nurses poking and prodding and even when she got her first two shots. The doctors were a little worried at first, but the nurses from the nursery came down to our room and verified that everything was OK.

Well, Olivia has definitely made up for not crying in the first few hours of her life. This little one can belt out the screams. They are loud and shrill, but still so cute. Mama was up in flash, each time she cried and ready to feed her.

Things have really changed in just the two years since we had Gabriella at the same hospital. They now let you keep the baby virutally the entire time you are there. They did labs, shots, weighing and even the pediatrician visits in the room.

After we got up and got some coffee and a little breakfast, the photo lady came to our room and said that she was ready to take Olivia’s picture for the St. Francis Internet Nursery. Since we weren’t ready, she said she would skip us and come back in an hour or so. We got Olivia cleaned up and dressed up nice and cute.

While we were waiting for her to come back, a nurse from the nursery came down to our room to give Olivia some shots and do some labs. During the labs, she stuck Olivia’s heel to take some blood and lost her hold on her leg. Olivia flung her foot up and splatter blood all over her outfit for the photo session. Mama was NOT too happy about it. Luckily daddy was able to get most of the blood out.

After the picture lady came by and took her shots, daddy got in a little photoshoot of his own. We took about 50 or so pictures before Mama decided it was time to rescue her.

Gammie stopped by just after noon with some lunch. Aunt Stephie came by too and they took turns rocking Olivia in the rocker. Pretty soon, Aunt Stephie had to get back to work. Gammie stayed a little while longer and then left too.

Olivia’s next visitor was Mama’s good friend Brooke. She was so excited to see Olivia. She also brought both girls presents from her store on Brookside, GaGa-A-Go-Go.

This evening Olivia got another visit from her big sister, Gabriella. Nona and Papa came up to see us and brought her with them. Uncle Greg and Aunt Jacinda brought us dinner (Pizza from Tucci’s!). Papa’s friend Mike Dwyer (grandfather of Gabriella and Olivia’s buddies Nora and Parker) came up too. We ate and talked and played with Gabriella and Olivia. 9:30 rolled around very quickly and it was time to say goodbye, so that Nona and Papa could get big sister home and into bed. We were wiped out too and ready for bed ourselves.

Photoshoot 1, Olivia in action:

Hand jivin:

Showing some tongue:

With Aunt Stephie:

With Gammie:

With Brooke:

Photoshoot 2, daddy’s famous burrito wrap:

With Mike Dwyer:

Kisses from Gabriella:

Proud Big Sister:

With Nona:

With Uncle Greg and Aunt Jacinda:

With Gabriella and Aunt Jacinda:

St. Francis Internet Nursery Photo

October 20th, 2006

Click Here to view Olivia’s Internet Nursery photo session on the Saint Francis website. The password is “Eng”

Olivia’s Hospital Photos

Olivia’s First Photo Album

October 20th, 2006

Click Here to view pictures from the first day of Olivia’s life.

Olivia Ruth Eng Arrives

October 19th, 2006

Olivia Ruth Eng
7lbs, 8oz
19 1/2″

Olivia’s Arrival: The Play By Play

October 19th, 2006

01:30 AM Mama calls daddy on his cell phone from our landline. (She was upstairs asleep, He was downstairs working). “Hello! It’s Time!” (Mama’s water had broken!)
02:30 AM Mama and daddy arrive at the hospital.
03:30 AM We finish the paperwork with Nurse Trisha and are ready to get the delivery started.
03:45 AM The Moms (or Grandmothers, rather) arrive at the hospital.
04:45 AM Nurse Trisha calls for the epidural.
05:00 AM The Grandmothers get the boot, as Dr. Barnes arrives to perform the epidural. He finally gets it right on the third try (Ouch!).
05:30 AM Mama’s epidural finally kicks in.
05:45 AM The Grandmothers return anxiously from the waiting room. The epidural is working well.
06:00 AM Daddy and Gammie speed down to the to cafeteria to get coffee.
06:15 AM We’re back with coffee and pasteries (none for Mama though…) The Grandmothers head for the waiting room to make calls as Nurse Trisha predicts a 10:00AM delivery.
06:30 AM Dr. Summers calls to check in and has Nurse Trisha start the Patosin (Yikes!)
06:45 AM Dr. Summers arrives. She tells us she thinks that Olivia will arrive between 8 and 9AM
07:00 AM The Grandmothers leave to go make more phone calls
07:30 AM The battery on the IV machine goes out and it starts beeping extermely loud and often. After 3 different nurses try to fix it, they finally swap it out and roll it down the hallway, while it still beeping.
07:45 AM Dr. Summers checks in. Mama is fully dilated. She suggests we wait about 30 minutes for the baby to come down and then get started.
08:15 AM Dr. Summers and Nurse Nan return to get Mama started on the delivery. Nurse Nan doubles down on the Patosin going from 2ml to 4ml. Mama pushes a few times and Dr. Summers says we better wait a little while longer.
09:00 AM Dr. Summers and Nurse Nan are back. Time to start again.
09:10 AM Daddy, Nona and Gammie can all see a full head of black hair!
09:44 AM Olivia is born! 7lbs, 8 oz.
10:00 AM Olivia is all cleaned up and in Mama’s arms.
10:10 AM Olivia is ready for a feeding from Mama. She’s a pro (both of them, actually). She nurses for 20 minutes!
10:30 AM Uncle Greg, Aunt Melanie, Kasey and Zac come in to meet Olivia.
10:45 AM Aunt Debi comes in to meet Olivia.
11:10 AM Olivia measures in at 19 1/2 inches.
11:45 AM The dads (Grandfathers) arrive just as they are moving us to our new room.
12:00 PM We order up lunch for Mama and the crew. We eat and get settled into our room.
12:45 PM Aunt Stephie gets a break from work to come see Olivia.
03:00 PM It’s finally time for a quick nap.
03:30 PM Flowers arrive from daddy & Gabriella.
04:30 PM Mama gets in a quick feeding for Olivia.
05:15 PM Gammie comes back to the hospital with two rolls of pictures already developed.
05:30 PM Olivia takes a nap in Gammie’s arms.
06:30 PM Aunt Stephanie, Aunt Melanie, Kasey and Zac come back for more Olivia.
07:00 PM Gabriella arrives to meet her new baby sister.
08:30 PM Olivia naps in Papa’s arms while Mama and daddy have their dinner.
09:00 PM Nona, Papa and Gabriella go home and we settle in and try and get some rest after a very exciting day.

Welcome To Olivia’s New Blog!

October 18th, 2006

Olivia’s new blog will be live very soon. In the meantime, please visits Gabriella’s blog at it’s new home:
