Thanksgiving 2006

November 23rd, 2006

We spent the morning in Owasso at Nona and Papa’s house and the evening at Aunt Melanie’s house.

There are too many pictures to put in the blog, so click here to view the photo album.

A Day Full Of Cooking

November 22nd, 2006

Wow, what a day. Mama, Jacinda and Nona cooked all day and everyone took turns holding little Olivia in between their chores. Papa took Gabriella out in the wagon. Aunt Denna stopped by in the afternoon and got a little Olivia love in. After a long day, Olivia got a famous sink bath, while Gabriella got a bath in the real tub. The girls are going to look like little beauties tomorrow.

Olivia, chilling in the sling, while Mama and girls make the noodles:

Aunt Denna loves on Olivia:

Nona’s Little Helpers – Aunt Jacinda and Mama:

Daddy’s turn to hold the girl:

Sink bath:

Time To Go To Nona’s House

November 21st, 2006

After packing all day and getting ready, we finally had everyone loaded up and ready to head to Owasso for the Thanksgiving holiday. We always go a little early and spend the night a couple of nights, so that Mama can help Nona with the cooking and the getting ready for a housefull. We got there a little late, but had enough time for dinner at Tavin’s. Uncle Greg and Aunt Jacinda met us there. After dinner we relaxed at the house for a little while before out big day of cooking and getting ready on Wednesday. Mama fed Olivia and rocked her to sleep on the porch and Gabriella got in bed with Nona and Papa.

Olivia, sleeping through dinner at Tavin’s:

With a full tummy, Olivia’s ready for bed:

Gabriella Sings To Olivia

November 20th, 2006

Today was a tough day on the girls. Daddy was back at work and Gammie and Nona are both still pretty sick, so Mama was on her own today with Gabriella and Olivia. Olivia was extra fussy all day and Gabriella wasn’t feeling well either. When daddy came home from work, we had dinner and mommy ran to the store to get some milk for Gabriella.

While Mama was out, daddy was holding Olivia and Gabriella was being very sweet to Olivia, wanting to hold her and love on her. So daddy grabbed the video camera. Gabriella decided that she want to sing a song for Olivia. It was very sweet.

Click here to see the video on Gabriella’s site.

Olivia’s Big Day Out

November 17th, 2006

Olivia had a big day out today. Nona came over in the afternoon to stay with Gabriella, while Mama and Olivia went to the Salon to get Mama’s hair all fixed up. All the girls there were excited to see her. She just slept away, until the first clip of Mama’s hair fell. She woke up and started screaming right on queue.

After they finished at the salon, Mama and Olivia met daddy at Table 10 for a quick appetizer. Mama and daddy’s friend Brooke was there this afternoon. She and her family just took over the restaurant and she was very excited to see us walk in the door. Since it was early in the afternoon, there was no one there and she got to sit with us and enjoy Olivia while we ate. We ate and made it home. Papa had come over to the house to take over for Nona, while she went to the doctor, so he was there when we got home. Gabriella was happy to see Mama, daddy and baby sister.

It’s been a long time since we had our regular Friday night with Aunt Jenny and Nate, but tonight we got it started back up. The guys picked up pizza and we hung out at the house and played with Gabriella and took turns holding Olivia.

The $135 Lunch Visit

November 16th, 2006

Today, daddy came home for lunch and stopped in at Panera to grab something to eat on the way. Since the house is quite a ways from downtown, speeding a little was required. After picking up about $15 worth of sandwiches and soup, and ALMOST making it to the house, the red and blue lights started flashing. They were followed by by a $120 speeding ticket! Ouch!

Unfortunately the ticket quickly put an end to daddy coming home for lunch during the week…

Daddy, holding his girls, during his lunch break:

Olivia, clutching her hands:

Tucci’s Pizza Night

November 15th, 2006

After work tonight, daddy stopped in at Tucci’s and picked up a pizza and some salad. Gabriella was very excited. She loves the pizza. Olivia slept in on the couch while Mama, daddy and big sister ate dinner. She got her dinner soon after though.

All wrapped up:

The “Wes Anderson” shot:

Watching Little Einsteins With Gabriella

November 14th, 2006

Everyone was up early this morning. Daddy was off to work and Mama got Olivia fed. Next it was to the kitchen to make breakfast for Gabriella. Mama propped Olivia up on the couch for a few minutes to watch some TV with Gabriella while she got the swing ready. Gabriella liked having a little friend to watch The Little Einsteins with her.

Nona came over not too long after breakfast and daddy came home with lunch. Nona helped with the girls this afternoon and Mama made dinner.

Olivia and Gabriella watching TV:

Olivia, napping, as usual:

Let Me Hold Her

November 13th, 2006

Gabriella loves her sister. If she doesn’t know where she is, she runs around looking for her. She always tries to share her sippy cup, or a french fry or a wood block. We have to keep a close eye on her because she loves her so much!

Her new favorite thing to do is hold her. “Let me hold baby sister.” “Let me hold her.” It’s adorable. She lasts about long enough for Olivia to start crying and then it’s “all done” and “get down now.”

Olivia, chillin:

Daddy holding Gabriella holding Olivia:

Aubry’s Wedding Reception

November 12th, 2006

Mama’s cousin Aubry got married last week in Puerto Vallarta. Today they had a wedding reception at Aunt Denna’s house. We spent the night in Owasso last night and woke up to the delicious smells on Nona making breakfast. The girls ate and we talked on the porch a little, but it was quickly time for all of us to start getting ready since the party was at 1:00pm.

Mama, daddy and the girls arrived a little late and the party was already in full swing. Olivia was a huge hit, because so many people in the family haven’t even seen her yet, let alone the family friends. Olivia slept almost the entire time, which was amazing considering how many people were there, how noisy it was and how many people held her. She was a sweetie though.

Pam Van Dyke belts out the tunes (Sonny’s on the keys):

Aunt Beckie had tears in her eyes:

Julie Center keeps Olivia happy, like a pro (with Gabriella and Papa watching):

Grandma gets a little more Olivia time in:

Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy:

Olivia Meets Grandma

November 11th, 2006

After working late last night, daddy had to work all afternoon today too. Mama decided to get the girls packed up and take them out to Owasso. Grandma was in town from Arkansas and hadn’t seen Olivia yet, and Mama needed a little help with Gabriella and Olivia so it was the perfect deal. Daddy worked at home until the evening and then came out to have dinner. Uncle Greg and Jacinda came out for dinner too, so it was a big party. Daddy left in the evening and went to a concert with Chris and Michelle, but Olivia was still awake when he got back to Owasso.

Olivia, snoozing:

Olivia and Grandma:

Daddy Works Late, So Gammie Works Late

November 10th, 2006

Daddy had to work late at the office tonight, so since Gammie had been over at the house with the girls all day, she stayed to help out until daddy got home. She kept Gabriella entertained, helped get her dinner ready and fed her, while Mama took care of Olivia. Daddy finally got home around 8:30. We ordered some pizza and Gammie clocked out. Daddy Cool was probably wondering what happened to his wife!

This afternoon, Olivia was chewing on her finger while Gammie was holding her and Gammie asked Mama to take a picture.

She sure looks cute:

The face of an angel:

Mama steals a kiss:

Survivor Night With Nona & Papa

November 9th, 2006

Nona came over today to help out with the girls. She stayed for dinner because Papa had a meeting to go to after work. We decided to eat left overs and watch Survivor. Luckily Papa’s meeting was much shorter than expected, so he got to the house in time to watch with us. Olivia slept in Papa’s arms and then in her swing while we watched the show. Olivia’s sister Gabriella kept us entertained before during and after the show.

The Pacie

November 8th, 2006

Olivia is officially three weeks old tomorrow morning at 9:44am. Dr. Mayberry said that at three weeks, it was OK to start trying to give her a pacifier. She has been quite a handful in the evenings the last few days, crying a lot and very difficult to console. So Mama and daddy decided that 12 hours early wouldn’t hurt and we gave her a pacie. She seemed to really like it and it definitely calmed her down. She did have some trouble keeping it in her mouth, but she’ll learn.

Uncle Greg & Aunt Jacinda Bring Dinner

November 7th, 2006

Tonight we got a real treat. Uncle Greg and Aunt Jacinda came over for dinner. They brought Lanna Thai. Gabriella was so excited because she loves their food. She loves the dumplings and rice. Daddy got home a little late from work, so they were there and the table was set and ready when he got home. Uncle Greg held Olivia while we ate. After dinner we sat and talked and played with Gabriella in at her table and chairs and took turns holding Olivia.

Greg and Jacinda with Olivia and Gabriella:

With just Olivia:

The Return Of Nona & Gammie

November 6th, 2006

After a weekend with no grandmothers, they both returned today. Mama was happy, because they are both so much help. Daddy had to go back to work since it’s Monday, but Nona was over pretty early this morning to help with the girls. Daddy came home just after noon and brought lunch. We ate and daddy held Olivia. Nona left in the early afternoon and Gammie came over next. She held Olivia and played with Gabriella while Mama made dinner. She stayed until daddy got home from work.

Olivia smiles when Mama tickles her in the perfect place:

Olivia with daddy at lunch:

Olivia chilling in her swing:

Daddy, Gabriella and Gammie, posing with Olivia:

Hideaway For Dinner

November 5th, 2006

We took the girls out again tonight. We went out for dinner. We couldn’t decide where to go, so we just loaded up in the car and drove. Daddy eventually made his way to Hideaway Pizza. Olivia slept in her car seat in a chair the entire time. I let out a couple of little squeaks, but never woke up.

Gabriella and Olivia, ready to go dinner:

Olivia with Gabriella and Mama, sitting on the bench outside of Hideaway:

Let’s Get Outta Here

November 4th, 2006

Since Gabriella has been sick for the past couple of weeks, we have really kept the girls in the house for the most part. She has been feeling better and Mama was ready to get out of the house. The girls were too, so we got outta here. First we went to Ron’s Hamburgers and had lunch. Olivia slept the entire time. She never even let out a peep.

After lunch, we headed to the mall. Olivia was in one stroller and Gabriella was in the other. We exchanged some clothes for Olivia at Baby Gap and looked around at a few other stores.

Olivia, snoozing in Baby Gap:

A Lap Full Of Sleepers

November 3rd, 2006

Nona came over again today to stay with the girls and help Mama out. Daddy came home for lunch to see Olivia. Mama made lunch and we ate, talked and daddy held Olivia. After work, daddy came home to find both girls asleep in Mama’s lap. It was an adorable site. Mama couldn’t even get up to say hello.

Olivia waves hello:

A lap full of sleepers:

Daddy’s First Day Back At Work

November 2nd, 2006

Today was daddy’s first day back at work. It wasn’t too much fun. We all four got up early. Mama got up at the same time as daddy so that she could feed Olivia before Gabriella woke up and was ready for her milk, breakfast and morning routine. It didn’t quite work out so well, as Gabriella heard us up and was ready for some attention at the same time as Olivia.

Gammie came over to help Mama out with the girls a couple of hours after daddy left for work. She and Gabriella played, read books and colored. Daddy came home just after noon for lunch. Gammie had to leave to make around 1:00 and Nona arrived around the same time. She stayed until this evening. Papa picked her up and they ran to Bible Study before coming back to see the girls and watch Survivor with us.