Another Day In Owasso
Sunday, November 18th, 2007Olivia on Gabriella’s lap, in the rocking chair: Olivia: Gabriella: Taking a nap with Nona:
Olivia on Gabriella’s lap, in the rocking chair: Olivia: Gabriella: Taking a nap with Nona:
Gabriella and Liam: Stella (and Olivia in the background): Gabriella and Liam:
Nona and Olivia at Nona’s house in Owasso:
We went to Shogun for dinner tonight with Aric, Andrea and Drayke, for Aric’s birthday.
On the scale, 20lbs, 1oz.: Happy, for now: Dancing in the doctor’s office: Not so happy, after her shots: Back at home, eating some pasta: Gabriella, the bag lady: Showing off her band-aided shot legs: